What Backbone Can Do For You

A full-time email marketer or agency can cost $100,000+ per year, but email marketing is critical to scaling your business. That’s why we built Backbone.

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Built by Longplay, the email marketing agency behind $300M+ in email revenue for top DTC brands like:

“What Took Us Hours & Hours Before, Now Takes Minutes”

Planning an email calendar, designing emails, coming up with campaign ideas & planning flows can take 20+ hours a month. Backbone helps you do it all & customized for your brand in a fraction of the time.

See How It Works

Plan your email calendar in just a few clicks.

The first tool to streamline your email calendar planning process. Backbone’s Production Manager creates your custom email campaign & flow calendar each month.

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EMAIL layout builder

Create optimized emails that convert.

Freeform helps you create emails designed to convert with custom email templates. Each email template is optimized to drive more clicks & conversions.

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Get your email revenue on autopilot.

Most brands are leaving thousands of dollars on the table with no email flows. Backbone’s Flow Recommendation Algorithm™ recommends email flows to create each month for revenue growth.

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Email Campaign recommendationS

5000+ unique campaign ideas, personalized.

With a database of over 5000+ DTC e-commerce email campaign ideas that can be personalized for your brand, Backbone’s Campaign Recommendation Algorithm™ will make sure you’re promoting the right products, with the right message, at the right time… every time.

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Figma Design Export

The easiest email design workflow you’ve ever had.

Create high-quality and high-converting emails at scale with our easy Figma Design Export feature. Once you’re happy with Backbone’s custom email layout, just click to export.

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Bandwidth + Suite

Hands-On Support From Real Humans

One of the many perks of Backbone is that you get the power of Longplay, our email marketing agency, behind you. From strategy to creative support, Backbone (literally) has your back.

Get Started For Free
Included with Every Backbone Plan

“Here For You” Email Consultant

Get access to world-class strategic support from top email marketers when you use Backbone. Honestly, this access alone is worth it.

âś… Email & live chat support
âś… Treat us like your new on-hand email consultant
âś… Ask us questions like:
• What segment should I send this email to?
• What A/B tests should I run for my brand?
• How can I improve my click rate?
• Any strategies I should use to generate more revenue for this promotion?

“Done For You” Email Creative

Get email creative that converts. Get access to our Creative Team to get custom designed email campaigns & flows for your brand done for you.

âś… White-glove onboarding
âś… Custom created for your brand
âś… Email copywriting
âś… Email design
âś… Editable Figma File
âś… As low as $250/email
âś… Easy upload to ESP

Here’s why they love Backbone:

Backbone is totally flexible!

“What’s really exciting about Backbone is its ability to make proven, profitable email marketing strategies easily accessible for DTC e-commerce brands, without the need to hire a dedicated specialist or invest excessive amounts of time. Its effortless creation of a customized email marketing strategy month after month with just a few clicks is going to be a genuine game-changer for e-com brands. The time savings alone with Backbone are invaluable. With the experience of Longplay behind it, you can trust that each email is strategically timed and designed to deliver results. Just follow the briefs, input your copy and images, and save a ton of time. You can also say goodbye to any guesswork and have peace of mind knowing that your invested time is well-spent. And best of all, Backbone is totally flexible! You can move things about to suit your brand and as your goals and capacity evolve, your email marketing strategy will seamlessly adapt alongside you.”

Chloe Gold
Founder of The Purposeful Marketer

Highly recommend for any brands feeling like their leaving money on the table with their email marketing!

“As a founder of an ecommerce brand, we always need to stay scrappy to grow our business with our small team & Backbone is a game changer. It saves me so much time each month in planning out our email marketing campaigns & flows. We’ve already seen our email revenue grow from its recommendations. And their “Here-For-You” email consultant is insanely helpful to have an expert we can reach out to anytime. Highly recommend for any brands feeling like their leaving money on the table with their email marketing!”

Suneal Pabari
Co-Founder & CEO of The Roaster’s Pack

Wow. Backbone is an absolute game-changer.

“After spending 8+ years building an 8-figure DTC brand, email marketing always took up tens of hours of marketing team time & resources. It’s so helpful to be able to plan & adjust an email marketing calendar quickly, and pass email templates to creatives. I wish Backbone existed when I got started. It would have shortcut a lot of time needed to scale up our email marketing growth.”

Maegan Scarlett
Co-Founder of oVertone

Backbone has made my life infinitely easier as a founder of a small DTC brand.

“Email marketing was always one of our bigger revenue channels but I could never find the time to manage & execute it at the level we knew we needed. With Backbone, I can plan a whole month’s worth of email campaigns & flows, create email templates, make notes and pass it off to my team to design in literally minutes. It’s by far one of the most useful tools in our daily workflow & has allowed us to scale our email marketing”.

Justin Nault
Founder/CEO of Clovis

“What took us hours and hours before now takes minutes, which is absolutely incredible.”

"I’m impressed! Backbone is a really fantastic platform that creates the ability for brands like ours to plan out promotions easily as well as campaigns we want to execute on. What took us hours and hours before now takes minutes, which is absolutely incredible. From the onboarding experience to getting campaigns setup and planned out, Backbone made it really easy for my team to do all the planning and buildout what we need for a full calendar of limited edition product launches, evergreen campaigns, and more. Highly recommend Backbone to any brand that wants to save time and create more efficiencies with their retention efforts."

Daniel Okon
Founder/CEO of Flewd

"This is one of the most seamless and efficient tools I’ve used for email management.

"This is one of the most seamless and efficient tools I’ve used for email management. I’m thoroughly impressed by the examples and templates for exactly how the emails should be created from the images, copy, and types of campaigns. After being able to plan my next quarter in a matter of minutes, is when I saw the true potential of Backbone. "

Trent McCloskey
Founder/CEO of Retention Studios

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See It For Yourself

Kickstart your email campaigns, build email flows & drive revenue from email marketing.